We distribute scanners that capture the human foot in it's full colour. This means a much more accurate prescription as we can utilise full colour markings in CAD.
We highly recommend you capture the foot from a non-weight bearing position as this conforms more closely with evidence-based guidelines for 3D imaging of the human foot.
As our hardware captures the foot in full 3D colour we can utilise your clinical reference for frontal plane alignment, just like we would with a plaster cast.
We align the 3D scan according to the reference measurement provided by the clinician. We have a strict policy of no lab discretion. We help you to understand what measures we need so you get the best clinical outcomes.
Our polypropylene modelling uses full colour 3D reference to generate an orthosis model mapped to specific landmarks on your patient's foot. We educate you to mark these clinically for optimal clinical outcomes.
We then generate a foot positive model. We prefer the mechanical properties of vacuum formed polypropylene orthoses compared with direct machined polypropylene. This has largely been driven by our customer base.
We believe that the mechanical properties of polypropylene are best when the material is vacuum formed around a foot positive. The material is more flexible, less rigid and more easily adjusted in the clinic.
Our heel and forefoot posting is vacuum formed using ultra high-density 400kg/m³ EVA. This creates a strong and stable platform that can be quickly and easily adjusted in the clinic.
We offer a huge range of 68 different cover variations and stock only high-quality top covering materials.
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