Our Evidence Based Scanning Fundamentals

Methodology Matters!

Our current scanning methodology recommendations are based upon our most up to date understanding of evidence based scanning guidelines described in the literature. We have distributed, built and supported various 3D scanning hardware over the past decade and have a good understanding of how scanners need to work for our clinicians to get the best possible outcomes with our lab.

Our software uses non-proprietary scan formats. You are welcome to utilise the methodology you believe is best appropriate.

We have provided some information about our preferred methodology below. This is always subject to changes in available technology and updates to relevant literature. We can accept any method, so you know that we aren’t coming from a position of bias!

Scanner Accuracy

Calibrated Scanning

It's important that your 3D scanner captures an accurate representation of the patients foot. Our scanners can be calibrated to a clinical anthropometric measure in a simple way so we can ensure correct scaling and accuracy.

Colour scanning = more objective manufacture

The foot in colour

Why make the manufacturing process more subjective? With colour you can objectively request changes at the foot orthosis interface based on markings made directly on the patient's foot. The subtalar joint axis location, the patient's plantar fascia, metatarsal dome positioning, that tricky part of the foot that needs offloading... Think of the improvements that can be made to your clinical outcomes by making the simple switch to 3D colour scanning.

Non-Weight Bearing

Our preferrence

We can accept scans from any scanning methodology and advocate for clinician choice, however anecdotal evidence seems to suggest our clients achieve superior clinical outcomes when the NWB foot is used as a starting point. McPoil (1989) also found that NWB capture was superior to SWB casting, as SWB methods led to the capture of an artificial varus in the forefoot. Luaghton (2002) also suggested that the NWB technique has the most validity.

First Ray Positioning

Manipulated foot position

Our EVA orthoses are able to incorporate full length intrinsic forefoot corrections. The possibilities are so much greater with full length EVA. Manipulating the forefoot at the point of scanning can lead to a more optimal application of force at the foot orthosis interface. No lab techs subjectively correcting your scans, we want to empower you to have more control. Increasing first ray plantarflexion also increases the available 1st MPJ dorsiflexion (Roukis 1996).

Non Proprietary Format

Unlock your potential

Many scanners are lab or software locked and purchasing one of these scanners is simply bad practice. It limits your choice and exposes your clinical decisions to confirmation bias. At Cad Cam Orthotics we never lock in our clients. We truly want what is best for your patients.

Scanning Demonstration Below

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